Family Support Services
Family Support Services (FSS), funded through the Office of People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), offers a variety of supports for families of individuals with a developmental disability who live at home with a family member. Many individuals who are diagnosed with a developmental disability require some form of care/assistance throughout their lifetime. When the individual lives at home with his/her family, the family may need support and assistance in caring for their loved one.
Support Services
- Recreation activities
- Hourly Respite
- Family Reimbursement for approved items related to the individual’s diagnosis
- Rest-pitality facilitates a weekend getaway for caregivers, as well as Respite for the individual with a developmental disability living at home and their siblings
- Wellness GIFTS provides camping retreats for families who have individuals with developmental disabilities (Learn more about this program by visiting
- Information and referral
Population and Geographic Area Served
The FSS programs support individuals who have secured eligibility from the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities and live at home with a family member. Unless otherwise noted, FSS serves individuals in Chemung, Steuben, and Schuyler counties.
Hourly Respite Application Checklist
Family Support Services provides a variety of services, as well as some financial support to offset the cost of some approved items related to the diagnosis of an individual with a developmental disability living at home. For more information, contact:
Director, Family Support
Pathways, Inc.
33 Denison Parkway West, Corning, New York 14830
T: (607) 937-4502