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A group of children sitting on top of a jungle gym

Children and Family Treatment and Support Services

These services strengthen families and help them make informed decisions about their care.

Children and Family Treatment and Support Services

These mental health services, available with NYS Children’s Medicaid, give children, youth (under age 21) and their families the power to improve their health, well-being and quality of life. These services strengthen families and help them make informed decisions about their care. Services are provided at home or in the community.


  • Identifying mental health and/or substance use needs early
  • Preventing the need for emergency room visits, hospital stays, or out of home placements
  • Most services can be provided without an initial mental health diagnosis
  • Services are provided in the home and community
  • Families can self-refer

Support Services

  • Intensive Support and Treatment (Community Psychiatric Supports and Treatment): Senior Youth Service Providers deliver psychoeducation, supportive counseling, and intensive support services to assist youth in developing coping skills, regulating emotions, and intensive rehabilitative skills. 
  • Skill Building (Psychosocial Rehabilitation): Youth Service Providers work with youth in the community to improve social skills, daily living skills, and rehabilitative functioning skills. 
  • Community Counseling Services: This service allows licensed Clinical Therapists, also known as Other Licensed Professionals (OLP) to provide mental health and/or substance use assessment, recommendations, and ongoing individual, group, or family counseling for children and youth in settings most comfortable for them, such as at home, school, or in the community. Clinical Therapists help youth and families identify strengths, goals and help work toward improvement in daily functioning and quality of life. Must meet eligibility requirements. For more information on this service contact the Program Director/Clinical Supervisor (607) 936-1771 x4234.

Population and Geographic Areas Served

Children and Youth (under age 21) who are covered by Medicaid and have mental health needs can get Children and Family Treatment and Support Services at no additional cost. These services are covered by regular Medicaid or, if enrolled in a Medicaid Managed Care plan or Child Health Plus, these services are available through the health plan. Services are provided across the Southern Tier, Finger Lakes Region, and Greater Rochester area.

Access to Services 

You can contact us at any time to find out if your child/youth is eligible to enroll and to complete a self-referral. You can also be referred by community providers, such as physicians, counselors, and school teachers/counselors.

Children and Family Treatment and Support Services Referral Form 

Release of Information Consent


To learn more about eligibility and the support services available through the Children and Family Treatment and Support Services, contact:

Youth Services Program Director

Pathways, Inc.
33 Denison Parkway West, Corning, New York 14830
T:  (607) 937-4551  F: (607) 937-3206

Community and Habilitation

These programs provide various day programming and employment options for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and support for individuals that are Nursing Home-eligible or have traumatic brain injuries, in addition to behavioral health services for adults with mental illness and/or alcohol and substance abuse. Programs include support services for children with serious emotional difficulties, developmental disabilities (if in foster care), and medical fragility, as well as their families. Eligibility and type of assistance vary by service.

Adult Behavioral Health HCBS/CORE

Pathways, Inc. is an approved provider of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) and Community Oriented Recovery and Empowerment (CORE) Services for adults in Steuben and Chemung counties

Children and Family Treatment and Support Services

These mental health and substance use services, available with NYS Children’s Medicaid, give children/youth (under age 21) and their families the power to improve their health, well-being, and quality of life. 

Children's Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)

Children's HCBS is a strength-based program that serves youth ages 0–21 years with serious emotional difficulties, developmental disabilities (if in foster care), and medical fragility.

Community Habilitation

Community Habilitation services are habilitation services that are provided to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities individually and with small groups.

Day Habilitation

Day Habilitation services are habilitative services that are provided through group activities out of the person’s home. Day Habilitation services can assist individuals to acquire, retain or improve their self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills, such as communication, travel and adult interactions.

Employment Services

Employment Services provide supports to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities to assist in obtaining and maintaining paid competitive jobs.

Family Support Services

Family Support Services, funded through the Office of People With Developmental Disabilities, offers a variety of supports for families of individuals with a developmental disability who live at home with a family member.

Traumatic Brain Injury and Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Support Services

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Nursing Home Transition & Diversion (NHTD) Support Services are provided under the guidance of the Department of Health and offer eligible individuals support both in their own home, as well as the community.